Non-Invasive Cellulite Treatment

Say goodbye to cellulite



Emtone is the first non-invasive treatment for cellulite to use thermal and mechanical energy to treat all the main causes of cellulite.

Why Choose Emtone?

  • Reduces cellulite

  • Smooths and tightens the skin

  • Non-invasive

  • Easy, painless treatments

 How is it done?

Emtone treatments are easy, painless treatments done in the office. Emtone uses both RF energy + targeted pressure energy to treat the main causes of cellulite, such as laxity, sun damage, and unwanted fat. Emtone is able to tighten the fibrous bands that run from the skin to the muscle. We recommend patients do a series of 4-6 treatments depending on the area. Treatments are 1-2 times a week and are about 30 minutes long.


Some patients are able to see improvement after their first treatment, however full results are seen 8-12 weeks after the last treatment. We do recommend continuing a good diet as well as drinking plenty of water before and after your treatments to enhance your results.


After The Procedure?

Emtone treatments require no downtime. Patients are able to resume normal activity right after their treatment. The skin will be red and feel warm for a few hours after the treatment, but the redness will subside as the day goes on.

What Areas Can It Treat?

Emtone can treat the thighs, butt, abdomen, and arms.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our office to see if Emtone is right for you!